Thursday, April 4, 2013

Olivia by: Ian Falconer

     Olivia is about this little pig named Olivia who just loves to do all kinds of things. She likes to go to the beach, but before she goes to the beach she has to find what to wear. And of course, that means you have to try on the entire closet full of clothes. This book is a really cute and heartwarming book about Olivia and how rambunctious and feisty she is. If she wants to do something, she will do it. She has a lot of sass with a sweet twist at the end. I enjoyed this book only because it was cute. There wasn't really any kind of plot which would make it hard to use any of the literary elements used to read and engage kids in the text.
     The one thing that I can say was interesting were the illustrations. Everything was black and white, except there were pops of color every once in a while. My thought was that the author was using the highlight of red to emphasize that certain part of the text or illustration. The illustrator also had a lot of blank space in the book suggesting a cold feeling or that they wanted the reader to focus solely on Olivia.It is a very cute book, and it would be a good read at the end of the week, but I wouldn't really use it for any lesson type stuff.


  1. I love Olivia! these books are great books. they show many different lessons. with these books there are a lot of blank spaces, I feel like this author could use the spaces better also.

  2. Sometimes teachers read a book just to expose children to new literature and get them passionate about reading books. To me, this seems like a bool that would appeal to girls more so than boys. I liked how you noticed the illustrations and got something out of them. If you wanted, you could even make a lesson out of the illustrations and the colors that were used.
