Thursday, April 18, 2013

In the Tall, Tall Grass by: Denise Fleming

     This week I read the book, In the Tall, Tall Grass. This book is a very fun and interactive book that would be good for preschoolers, kindergarteners and possibly 1st graders. This book is about this boy who finds a caterpillar in the grass and then the caterpillar takes the place of the boy as it travels through the grass. As the caterpillar is traveling through the grass, he comes across several things that you can find in the grass. This book is just a cute little adventure of the nature and what the grass encompasses.

     The illustrations are really cool. They are very bright and bold colors that are used, which makes the illustrations more engaging. The story line and the words are helpful for students to foreshadow what the next animal or insect that they're going to find in the grass, which makes the book fun and interactive. Overall, this book is really cute and is a good book to read possibly during a science activity dealing with grass and nature. Kids would for sure love this book!


  1. I feel that it is important for a book to have great illustrations because that is really what draws kids attention and the way you described the book i feel the book did a good job.

  2. This book sounds like a fun way to invovle nature and science within the classroom. From you description it sounds like this book creates an endless amount of activities you could incorporate with this book.

  3. I think this would be great for a nature lesson in the classroom. Interactive books are always wonderful for younger students (Pre-K and K) and I think that just from the cover of the book the illustrations look marvelous and eye-catching, which is extremely important for younger students as well.
