Thursday, April 25, 2013

Paddington Bear By: Michael Bond

     For this week's Book Talk I chose a cute and charming book about a bear that was a stowaway and was left at a train station.A family was waiting to pick up their daughter from the train station when the mother notices that there was a bear in the station. Frightened and confused as to why there was a bear in the station, the family approached the bear. They found out that he didn't have a home or a name, and that he hadn't eaten or drank anything in a long time. They named him Paddington after the train station that they had found him at. After picking up their daughter they went home with a new family member. They took him to eat and not to their surprise he ate just like a bear and made a ruckus! They took him home, and there he resided. 
     I found the book very cute and a fun read aloud for any classroom teacher to read to their students. The book is very engaging and keeps the students engaged with the words and illustrations that take up most of the page, and wasn't too busy at all! The illustrations are done really well, and are very colorful and warm, making the book easier to relate to and feel happy and excited to read. One thing I found that you can teach your students is to help people who are in need. This family so graciously opened their home to this cute and fuzzy bear, and though students can't necessarily do that, they can help students and other people in a number of different things. I would really love reading this in a classroom and I think you all will too!

1 comment:

  1. This seems like a fun book that i feel kids would enjoy a great deal.
