Thursday, April 11, 2013

Stellaluna By: Janell Cannon

Stellaluna is about a baby bat who is lost in an attack by an owl. Her mom was holding her close when all of a sudden an owl came out of nowhere, and knocked Stellaluna into the air and out of her mothers sight. She lands on a branch and hangs there until a bird nest takes her in. She then takes on what the birds do. She eats what the birds eat, she sleeps like the birds, and she has to follow all of the rules that the momma bird sets out for her kids. Stellaluna is a fruit bat, so she eats fruit not insects, sleeps in the day, and sleeps hanging upside down. As she continues to stay in her "new family" she starts to lose her real self. As the book goes on, Stellaluna ends up finding her mom unexpectedly and still keeps close intouch with her old temporary family. Overall this book was super cute and not anything that I was expecting it to be.
 This book has amazing illustrations which really helps the authors story flow throughout the book. The illustrations are so well done that it even looks like someone had taken a snap shot with a camera and placed it in the book. Another thing that I really enjoyed about the book is it has very vivid language that helps students stay engaged and helps the words flow more throughout the book. The use of the vocab words helps the teacher or person reading it have kids get engaged and ask them if they know certain words. Overall I would love this book to read to my class. I think that the illustration really makes the book what it is. I definitely recommend this book for everyone to read to their students. Never lose your roots even if you might get lost!


  1. I love when books have a lot of vocabulary in them. I don't have the strongest vocabulary and I hate it. I'm great at writing, however I use words that are normal. The use of words can definitely make a difference in the final piece of something. The vocabulary words along with the pictures seem like a great book.

  2. This book is so beautiful! I love the plot and story of the book and the illustrations are really incredible! They show so much emotion and emphasize the story being told. It's great that it has an expansive vocabulary that can help introduce new vocabulary words to the students. The message is great, and can be relatable to many different grade levels.

  3. This book is so wonderful! I think the message is strong and can be shared with several grade levels. It is important for children to see that everyone struggles and there is a way to overcome it.
