Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Pocket Full of Kisses by: Audrey Penn
This week, I read the book, A Pocket Full of Kisses, which I had never heard of before this class. Before I read this book, I didnt really know what the book was going to be about based on what the cover illustration was. I knew it would be about a raccoon family, but I never would have thought it would be such a heart-warming and endearing story. The book is about a raccoon family that just got a new addition, a little brother. Well, momma raccoon had always given her oldest son a kissing hand, which is a prequel to this cute little story. As the story goes on, Chester, the oldest son, gets upset that momma raccoon is giving his little brother these Kissing hands that momma always gave him. He begins to cry and then momma looks at him and has a long talk with him about being an older brother, but, she gives him something different. He gives him a pocket full of kisses that will be special to him because he is the older brother. The book ends in a really cute way. I really enjoyed this book. I think it is a good lesson for all students to learn because so many of them have other siblings. By learning to share time, space, and love with their sibling, it can help them out at home and in the classroom. The illustrations are wonderful, and you can have students predict what will happen, or connect the text to what the picture is displaying. Overall, I would definitely suggest this book for 1st-3rd grade as a read aloud.


  1. There is another book by the same author using the same characters called The Kissing Hand. If you liked this book, you'll love the other one as well! If one of your students comes into class and shares that his/her momma is having a baby, this would be the perfect book to read.

  2. What a sweet story. It sounds really poetic. I loved how you connected with this book and showed what a useful story it could be in the classroom. Thanks!
