Thursday, February 7, 2013

Corduroy by: Don Freeman
     This week, my book talk was on one of my favorite childhood books. Corduroy by Don Freeman has had my heart since day one. When I was younger I used to always make my parents or my brother read this book to me. This book is about a bear who desperately wants to have a home and comes so close when a young girl spots him out of the entire department store. To Corduroys disappointment, the young girls mother notices that the bear is missing a button and is therefore "old" and does not allow her daughter to purchase the stuffed bear. That night Corduroy goes on a hunt to find his lost button. Going all over the store he finds what he thinks is his button and tries to rip it off of the mattress he found it on. He makes a huge ruckus and draws the attention of the night time security guard. The guard takes him back to where he belonged, in the case downstairs. The bear, disheartened that he wasn't able to retrieve his lost button, sits in his case waiting for day to come. To his surprise the next day he sees the same little girl. The little girl wants to buy the bear! The book ends in a really cute and fun way and is an awesome read!
     I will DEFINITELY be reading this book to my class. As I know, though this book is near and dear to my heart, the kids might not take to it as I did when I was younger. This book is a good representation of "if you want something bad enough, you'll get it with hard work." The little girl was determined to get that bear and Corduroy really wanted a friend and a home. Through these obstacles they both overcame, they were able to achieve what they had always wanted! Such a good read, and I encourage you all to read it as well!


  1. I also was greatly fond of this book as a child. I remember it dearly and I agree children can greatly profit from reading this book.

  2. I also was greatly fond of this book as a child. I remember it dearly and I agree children can greatly profit from reading this book.

  3. I think kids can definitely benefit from reading this book as well. You could even do a little show and tell as a related activity to this book, where the kids could show the others a toy that they care a lot about just like the girl cares about the teddy bear.

  4. This looks like a really sweet book. I think it is important to teach determination and perseverance. I will have to read this one. I wonder if a lesson could be learned about our materialistic tendencies as a society. Thanks for the review.
